Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)

A new procedure coming soon!

Benefits of ESG

  • Decreased hunger.

  • Feel fuller with smaller portions.

  • Minimal risk.

  • Improved quality of life.

  • Endoscopic procedure with no incisions or scars.

  • Achieve significant lasting weight loss.

  • Lose up to 49% of excess body weight at year one.

  • Go home same day.

Keri Smith - Lost 60 lbs.*

I had tried just about everything (Weigh Watchers, Atkins, appetite suppressants, etc).  I would lose weight only to gain it right back.  I felt like my body needed a ‘reset’ and this is what gastric sleeve surgery did for me.  I have more energy and confidence. I’ve lost 60 lbs.

Keri Gastric Surgery patient

Get life-changing weight loss surgery. No blame. No shame.

What is ESG?

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, or ESG, reduces the volume of the stomach with the Apollo ESG System. Under general anesthesia, your surgeon uses the FDA-authorized Apollo ESG System to apply six to eight plications along the greater curve of the stomach, creating a sleeve endoscopically, reducing the stomach size by 70%-80%.

More FAQs About ESG

What qualifies a person for ESG?

The ESG is for adults who are suffering from obesity and have not been able to lose weight and keep it off. To receive the ESG, you must be willing to follow a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle.

Persons with cancer, a large hiatal hernia, potentially bleeding gastric lesions, or pregnancy may not be candidates for this procedure.

How much weight can I expect to lose?

Randomized trials showed that 49% of excess body weight loss 12 months after the procedure. 68% of people maintained at least 25% excess body weight loss 24 months after the procedure.

What is a typical diet after the ESG?

To help your stomach heal, you will be on a liquid diet for the first week or two, followed by pureed and soft foods for the next two weeks. Typically, by week four, you will be able to resume eating solid foods.

Denise S. - Lost 125 lbs.*

I was a great dieter, but I would then gain all the weight back, plus more. It got to the point where it hurt to do anything with the extra weight, so I didn’t. After my procedure, I can play with my granddaughter, ride horses, and wear nice clothes for work.

Get life-changing weight loss surgery. No blame. No shame.